I've been saying how 'unlucky' I've been throughout my second semester in uni. My grandma had an accident, my bro had acute appendicitis and my cousin was also involved in a near-fatal accident. My concentration deteriorated and I was expecting myself to not do well this semester but I managed to pull through fine. I'm just thankful that I managed to maintain my GPA, as this means that I am able to continue with my Honours.
Now that I'm home, something else happened a week ago. My grandpa had a second stroke. I think it was in the same side of the brain as again, the left side of his body is affected. This time, it is worse. He is now hemiplegic. He can still talk and could recall who I am after staring at me for some time. The right side of his body is still functional, as evident on the day we visited him - he was feeding himself using his right hand. Of course, his sense of time is totally gone.
We will be returning to Temerloh to visit him again tomorrow. Hopefully, he'd have improved a little more.
Shaun is up in Sungai Petani, on his first day of his Thailand roadtrip. Just checked into Sri Malaysia not too long ago. They would be meeting with the rest of the expedition members at noon tomorrow at the Thailand-Malaysia border, somewhere near Sungai Hitam or a place sounding something like that.
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