There were calls, both local and international. There were e-cards and e-wishes in my e-mail boxes and on Facebook. Oops, I think I missed something. One surprise arrived a week early actually. I received a card at work affixed with an Australian stamp. Squeel! Birthday card from my darlings in Sydney! A day after the card arrived, a parcel arrived. Opened it and lo and behold, a product [red] iPod nano with my name engraved! Woohoo! How can I not love you guys?
Okay, continuing from where I left off, there were SMSes from close friends and some I've not seen in ages (how the hell did you guys get my number?). I went to bed pretty late because of some calls that came in at midnight to remind me that I'm not a young girl anymore.
Then on the day, I was caught off-guard by a fellow staff member who gave me a big hug and a box of candles beautifully wrapped up in green and gold. Other staff followed suit with wishes and hugs.
But the best parts were these:
A personalised handmade card from all staff members. I was truly surprised and not to mention happy!
And also, the children coming up to me to hug and wish me happy birthday.
To everyone of you, thank you.
P/S: Happy birthday to Mummy and li'l bro!