We hurried for the train as we are well-known for missing out on time. When we arrived at the Domestic Terminal, it was a funny sight to see so many other passengers carrying bags of Krispy Kreme. Some of them had one bag of 3 boxes, some had 2 bags of 4 boxes. Melbournians are seriously deprived of Krispy Kreme. Sad. Auds and I were on the same flight. It was delayed but we still arrived on time. Not realizing that Alan has dinner waiting for us at Shieny's place, we went over to the International Terminal of Tullamarine Airport to have a Whopper with cheese from Hungry Jacks for dinner. We were starving! Oh, and also to kill time. Shaun, Erin and Miow were on the next in-coming flight.
Shieny's unit is swanky, I tell you! Beats Nic's new place hands down. She lives on the 25th (if I remember correctly) floor but the lift makes it feel like nothing. Takes the lift less than one minute to reach up there. She has a great view of the Crown Casino and you get to see those fire eruptions every hour! Spectacular! I know I've already had dinner but Alan's cooking is something you can never resist no matter what. Miow was so impressed with Alan's cooking, he more or less licked everything clean. Well, almost everything. To me, it was like bak kut teh but in kimchi soup. And the half-cooked eggs... *melt*... super yummy!

That night, we slept in the living room. Shaun and Erin slept on one sofabed, Auds had her 'own' sofabed all to herself, Miow and I slept on the floor. Miow froze as he slept with no protection. As you all know, Melbourne is way colder than Sydney so sleeping without a blankie or heater is inviting death. I snuggled nicely in my sleeping bag, occasionally waking up to frown at the snoring orchestra performance by Shaun and Miow.
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